This story comes from the Eskimo Folk Tales unit.
The Giant Dog: This story, wasn't necessarily one that I really liked, but it was one that stuck with me as a possibility for what I want to do with my story idea. I got a bit ahead of myself and came up with an idea without reading the stories first this week, oops. I may switch and save this idea for another reading since it is very flexible. I thought this story was very interesting however. It was not at all how I was expecting the story to progress. At the end I'm still just sitting here going I think I really liked that but it was not at all what I was expecting and I don't yet know how to process my thoughts on it. Who knows what story I will end up writing tomorrow.
Rachel- So it seems you decided to use the tale after all. I have already waxed poetic on how much I like your rendition so I will not go into that. I do have to agree with you on how the original tale was not my favorite either. It is great that you have a store of ideas in your head for the storytelling posts. You can never be to prepared :)