Wednesday, January 14, 2015


My name is Rachel Wheeler. I am a senior majoring in Psychology here at OU. I'm from Muskogee Oklahoma and I am an only child. My family loves to travel and we take a lot of trips when we are all able to have time off together. I'm a very laid back person and I enjoy just spending time with my friends. It doesn't really matter what we are doing.

(My best friend (right) and I (left) on a trip to Chicago, personal photo)

In my own spare time I love to write. I love the whole process of creating new characters and plot lines and finding ways to twist them intricately for new and unexpected endings. I'm not a fan of writing happily ever after or and it all worked out perfectly endings. I also enjoy playing the occasional computer game when I get off work.

I work full time, I'm taking 12 hours in my last semester and I am studying for the GRE so for me taking classes online when I can are an absolute must. My other classes this semester are Interpersonal Skills and Group Dynamics, Health Promotion Program Planning, and Capstone. After completing my undergrad I want to obtain a Master's in Public Health and my hope is to eventually work for the Cherokee Nation.

I have one cat. Her name is Professor McGonagall but we usually just call her Professor. She's an outside cat who likes to eat a lot and will roam around outside our house until she finds a window where she can see you and will sit in that window and meow until you feed her even if she still has food in her bowl. She also likes to sleep with her face in my dad's shoes.

(My cat sleeping, personal photo)

When I actually do have spare time to watch TV shows I like to watch Doctor Who, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, and White Collar which just finished. In terms of reading I'm just about to start the wheel of time series which I am very excited to start reading. I'm really looking forward to this class and think the set up so far is very interesting!


  1. Rachel, I noticed that you love to write. This class is perfect for that. I hope I get to read some of your stories since you like to put twists in them and make them unpredictable. That makes the stories interesting to read. Yay for it being your last semester, it is my last semester as well. Your cat is adorable and has an unique name. Good luck on the GRE!

  2. Rachel, first of all I must say...I love the name of your cat! That is so creative. As Mary said above, I too look forward to reading your stories since you love to create plot twists and unusual endings to them and that is a big deal coming from me since I'm not a very avid reader. My husband and I also like to watch the show Doctor Who. I think my favorite Doctor has to be David Tennant. Who is yours? I also love to travel. As I was growing up, my family would take road trips all over the country. It sounds like your family took a lot of trips as well. Wow, I'm so impressed that you take a full class load, plus work full-time. I don't know how you do it. Kudos to you for making it all work well for you. I happen to love online courses and I can totally understand your reasoning for taking as many of them as you can.

  3. Hey Rachel! It seems that we have a lot in common. Though I'm not a psychology major like you, I am a psychology minor and I have really enjoyed all the classes. I also work almost full time as well so I understand the struggle of working and balancing school work and schedules. Aside from those two things, I have a cat as well. Her name is Toby and she's something else. She wishes she could be an outdoor cat like yours but unfortunately right now that's not an option. I hope you get the chance to be creative with your writing in this course. I'm sure it will give you many opportunities. Good luck with everything!

  4. Oh, how exciting that you are already a writing who explores the world of the imagination, Rachel — as you can see already, that is a perfect preparation for this class! You'll find out that, unlike Disney movies, traditional folktales and even fairy tales often have very unexpected endings and dark messages... and sometimes all kinds of over-the-top violence kind of like in Road-Runner-and-Coyote cartoons. And your goal to work for the Cherokee nation is also something that could work so nicely with this class: maybe you will want to do a Cherokee project! There are amazing resources online for that here at Sacred Texts: Cherokee Resources, and we have a Cherokee reading unit coming up later in the semester! And that picture of your cat is adorable... plus, Professor McGonagall is the perfect name for a cat, ha ha. Although I don't think Professor McGonagall herself would ever sleep with her face in someone's shoes: although who knows! The secret life of the Hogwarts professor: who knows what they get up to when we are not looking! Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the class: it sounds like it will be a good fit for lots of your interests! :-)

  5. Hi Rachel, I feel your pain being a fellow senior in my capstone course right now. That is so awesome that you like to write in your free time. I've always wanted to try it, but I never end up writing for anything outside of class for some reason. I also like that you don't like to end stories with a perfectly resolved ending. I've always said that I wanted to write stories that wouldn't end with everyone being happy. It makes for a better, more realistic story, in my opinion.

  6. Ah! You're so lucky that you're a senior haha. I'm so ready to graduate haha. What do you plan on doing in the Cherokee Nation? And what is a GRE? Oh my god. Your cat's name is Professor McGonagall! Haha I love it! I'm so obsessed with Harry Potter! It is so cute that she likes sleeping in your dad's shoe!

  7. Rachel, it is so great that you and your family enjoy traveling. All growing up, my dad desired for his kids to see the world so we would join him on some of his work trips, or he would purposely set aside time for us to visit new places, mainly new islands in the Caribbean or countries in Europe.

    If you love to write, this class seems to be a great one for you since we have quite a few creative writing assignments!

  8. Rachel, congrats on being a senior! I am also a senior this year, so I understand how busy and hectic the semester can be. I also love traveling with my family; I'm interested to know where you have been? Good luck with the GRE; I know how much time goes into studying for that, but I'm sure you will be ready! I love your cat's name haha--Harry Potter is one of my favorites! Supernatural is such a great show! I remember watching it as each new episode aired on TV. But good luck with this semester and I'm excited to read more of your work!

  9. That's great you want to work for the Cherokee Nation! I actually took three semesters as a foreign language, and I can say they are a very interesting group of people. I like that you don't end stories in the stereotypical "everything works out" way. If you like stories that don't necessarily go the way you want them to, you should watch Game of Thrones if you don't already! One of the best shows on TV no question.

  10. Psychology is something I’ve always been interested in! I’m glad you decided to major in that. I’m from Hulbert, which is pretty close to Muskogee. My dad actually works for the Cherokee nation and oversees multiple hospitals and used to be the director of the Indian Health Service up in Washington DC. I’ll let you know, he loves what he does so I think you will be happy with your decision.

  11. Hi Rachel!
    I noticed that we have a few things in common. I am also a senior Psychology major and an only child. I think it’s awesome that you like to write. My roommate is an English witting major who also likes to write happily ever after stories. She’s also really big into fantasy. Good luck on the GRE! You’re going to do great!

  12. Liking to write probably makes this class rather enjoyable for you! It sounds like you've maybe taken other classes online. This is my first and I am enjoying the "online classroom". It makes it a little easier when you can look at course material on your own schedule. I love your cat's name by the way. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  13. I feel the same way about taking online classes! My whole semester is online actually because of my work schedule and getting married. Studying psychology would be such an interesting degree because understanding how people act, think and behave is a crucial skill to understand. As a mother, wife, sister, friend or volunteer, you need to be able to work with different types of people.

  14. Hey Rachel! I love finding other psychology majors. There are so many people taking psychology, it is always interesting to learn why they chose that as their major. Good luck with the GRE! I took it twice last year and studied for a total of 8 months for both (combined). It certainly is a lot of hard work but it is worth it in the end. Your plan for the future is awesome! I hope everything works out well for getting into the program!

  15. Hey Rachel. I am also a psychology major but I won't be graduating until December. I love psychology. I find it so interesting. Your cat is adorable by the way. I didn't think I was a cat person until my sister gave me one and I love her. She is an indoor cat and is always snuggling with us. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  16. I’m Rachel too! Hurray for having popular 90’s baby names. I hope your last semester is going well so far! I completely understand about the necessity of taking online classes! It makes the workload so much more manageable and I have no clue what I would do if I had to take 21 hours of in class work. I hope your studying goes well and good luck!

  17. Hey, Rachel! First off, you picked a great course if you do indeed love to write! The fact that you get to retell stories with your own twists, modifying the plots to create entirely different tales—I’m sure you are loving this class, haha. Secondly, I cannot say how much I love that you named your cat Professor McGonagall, lol. I am a huge Harry Potter fan (I am actually visiting the studios in London over spring break!) and love your cat if only for her name, if not also for how adorable she is in that photo, hah. I can’t wait to read some of your stories this semester!

  18. Hi Rachel- I just took my GRE. It actually was not as bad as I had initially thought. To be honest, other than studying the specific questions I really did not study the subject material. Your cat is adorable. Sometimes my cat will fall asleep face down with her face smashed in the pillow. My cat also meows if there is food around the corners of the bowl and not in the middle, apparently that qualifies as empty :)

  19. Rachel! It sounds like you are quite the aspiring psychologist! You are taking all those classes, studying for the GRE, and work full-time! I am thoroughly impressed with you! On a random note, I went to Chicago with my best friend earlier this semester; hopefully you and your best friend had just as rockin' of a time! I also am a fellow Harry Potter fan, so naming your cat Prof. McGonogall makes me super happy! Anyway, hope you are enjoying your last bit of time here- and the snow that hit this weekend!

  20. Hey Rachel! It's great to meet an Okie from Muskogee! I hope your semester is going well and you are able to balance your busy schedule! I think it is awesome that you like to write and be creative. You must enjoy this class a lot! I love traveling too! I've never watched Doctor Who, but I got to visit the Doctor Who museum in Wales this past summer and it was really cool! Good luck with everything!!

  21. Congratulations on being so close to graduating. I am a junior Psychology major and will be taking the GRE soon as well! It sounds like you are very busy right now. I hope your semester is going well. Hanging out with my family is one of my most favorite things to do as well. That's great that you guys get to travel together. I also have two cats and love your cat and her name!

  22. Hey there, Rachel! It's so nice to meet a fellow Psych major! It's such a cool major, and it's interesting because you learn a lot about yourself while studying psychology, it seems like. That's so great that you travel a lot! My parents and I take trips when we can, and it's always a grand time. I wish you the best of luck with your future plans! Your career will be so rewarding!

  23. Hi Rachel! I'm a senior too, can you believe we only have 7 weeks left of school? So crazy! Seems like you have a plan post grad, so congrats, that makes one of us! My mom is also an Okie from Muskogee! I love that town! Seems like between work, school and studying for the GRE you must be very busy. Good luck with everything! Also it's apparent you like to write, your stories are great!


  24. Hey Rachel! I just read your latest story and I would defiantly agree that you don't stick with the typical happy ending to stories. I think that adds another level of complexity to your writing because you have to first considered the possible ending that people expect, then change it to something they won't. Very creative! It is very nice to meet you!

  25. Hi Rachel, I just read one of your stories, and I can tell that you do write a lot. I'm jealous. I'm not very good at creative writing, and I envy anyone who is. Other than that, good pick on your cat's name! I have two cats myself, and we still haven't found a name for her yet, so we just call her "girl cat." Professor McGonagall is a much more interesting name. Anyway, nice to "meet" you!

  26. Hey Rachel!

    I am jealous that you have had the opportunity to take a lot of trips and travel. I have never been abroad, though I'd really like to some day. I think it's great that you enjoyed writing. I bet you have enjoyed this class a lot because it is so focused on writing and being creative with the content. Also, I enjoyed that picture of your cat. How funny! I wish you best of luck with the last few weeks of the semester!

  27. Ahhh! Another MPH! I’m super exciting to finally stumble across your blog. Do you know what you want to concentrate on yet or where you want to go? I’m going to Emory in the fall for epidemiology, and I’m pretty excited about it. You’ll do great on the GRE! From your writing experience, the verbal section will be a piece of cake! Good luck!!
