Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Reading Diary B - Greek Myths: Ovid I

Here are the stories I liked the most from the second part of Ovid's Metamorphoses (Books 1-4).

Mars and Venus: This story was really short but also really funny. The gods didn't just mess around with mortals but also messed around with each other. In this case when Vulcan learns his wife Venus was having an affair with Mars he creates a trap for them. He ensnares them in a net and then brings in all the other gods to view them in their entanglement. One of my favorite lines is, "and one of the gods, undismayed, prayed that he might be shamed like that." This story was a fun departure from the usual stories of gods interfering with mortals.

(Illustration by Virgil Solis)

Perseus and Medusa: This is where Perseus tells his stories of his adventures and his battle against Medusa. I really liked the language of this story. The way some things were phrased was amusing to me. Lines such as, "He told of his long journeys, of dangers that were not imaginary ones," or when responding to a question he says "Since what you ask is worth the telling, hear the answer to your question". It could be the fact that I read this really late at night but even so reading this story brought a smile to my face. 

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