Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Reading Diary A - Greek Myths: Ovid I

Here are the stories I liked the most from Ovid's Metamorphoses (Books 1-4).

Phaethon's Ride. This story has to do with Phaethon's ride on his father's chariot and his inability to control it as it begins scorching the earth. My favorite part is at the end section where the earth is complaining to Jupiter. This just seemed really funny to me because essentially she's telling Jupiter that if he won't stop the fires for her or his brother Neptune in the sea then he should at least do it for common sense because his own palace is in danger of falling. I just had an image of how this would play out in my mind while reading and I found it funny.

(Painting by Gustave Moreau)

Callisto: Wow, what a shocker, once again something ridiculous happens all because Jupiter can't keep it in his pants. This one actually didn't have all that sad of an ending. Callisto really  had to go through a lot of troublesome experiences. She even got turned into a bear and was nearly killed by her son. But in the end this was prevented and both she and her son were turned into some lovely constellations. She did however receive a better fate than some of the others like Phaethon or Semele who both died. I think that's why I liked this story, because even though it wasn't really a happy ending it was still different and not just ending with a death.

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