Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reading Diary A: Japanese Fairy Tales (Lang)

These stories are from the Japanese Fairy Tales unit retold by Andrew Lang.

The Stonecutter: I really liked this story because I really like the message it conveys. It reminds me of the saying the grass is always greener on the other side. We're always looking at what others have and don't always see the value in what we already have.

The Envious Neighbor: I also liked this story because of the message it sends. This story deals with greed and talks about how our continuous greed and envy for what others have can end up destroying us.

The Cat's Elopement: I liked this story because it's a classic love story and sometimes it's nice to just be able to read a love story. Although I'm generally not a fan of the and they all lived happily ever after endings I did like the ending in this story with their eventual reunion.


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